This is the sort of garden that I started off with about a month and a half ago. Wild and overgrown with weeds. The majority of the garden is still the same apart from my patch on the other side of the garden.
Slowly but surely I began to dig out the grass and soil, stupidly putting all of the soil at the back of the garden, forgetting that it will eventually need to be moved off of the fence. That is going to be my job this weekend I think.
In the garden I so far have potatoes (desiree variety) and some tomato plants (outdoor girl variety). The potatoes are coming along fine but I think the tomatoes were planted outside a bit too early. They are nowhere near the same size as the tomatoes I have inside the house which have flowers on them right now.
I also have a reclaimed sink which I filled with soil and compost which has carrots (autumn king variety) in it. They are very slowly coming along, hopefully there is more going on underground rather than above.
Have just had a marathon weeding session (2 days) and now feel like the patch is in a condition where it is a bit more photogenic and so here it is.
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